Youth Vaping Concerns Public Health Officials in ClackCo

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The percentage of 11th graders using e-cigarettes increased more than 3-fold between 2013 and 2019 reported Clackamas County Public Health Officials. The increase for 8th graders was even more drastic, although the overall percentage remains lower than among 11th graders. Qualitative data from prevention partners who work with youth also indicates that vaping is still very much a problem that schools are dealing with in Clackamas County.

Youth and e-cigarette use in Clackamas County (2013-2020)

A Cautionary Note: As of 2020, the Oregon Healthy Teens Survey and Student Wellness Survey have been replaced by the single Student Health Survey. While the historic data remains robust, the transition to a new survey and methodology makes comparisons between 2013-2019 and 2020 onward inaccurate and imprecise. In addition, remote learning throughout 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic brought immense challenges to the online collection of data via the Student Health Survey. For one, the sample for 11th graders in particular was substantially smaller than in previous year. As such, the use of e-cigarettes among youth was underreported in 2020.