Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)

Our Hazardous Materials Unit (HAZMAT) is trained to recognize, handle and dispose of chemical and radiological agents.

The team's training includes both criminal incidents (such as meth labs) and non-criminal incidents (such as truck accidents) involving dangerous materials and chemicals.

HAZMAT is staffed by one Patrol Deputy. Unit members are assigned to other full-time duties -- but are subject to 24-hour callout for hazardous-materials incidents. The intensive deputy training emphasizes rapid hazard assessment and implementation of appropriate emergency-response procedures -- including safe containment and clean-up of the site.

Our HAZMAT unit also coordinates with state and local agencies -- including the Oregon Emergency Response System (OERS), the Oregon State Health Division, Oregon OSHA, the DEQ, and regional hazardous-materials teams -- as well as public- and private-sector hazardous-material clean-up crews.