SPIRIT: Our Core Values

Spirit: Our Core Values

Clackamas County employees work to serve the public and enrich our community. In that spirit, we pledge to hold ourselves to these standards at all times in our interactions with customers and with one another.

In all our actions we...

  • advance the needs of the community and the individuals we serve
  • are committed to finding positive solutions for our customers
  • respond to customers promptly in all matters, especially when it is hard to do so
  • are mindful of our duty to provide our best efforts every day

In all our actions we...

  • are the face of Clackamas County
  • develop and apply our knowledge and skills to continually improve our performance
  • conduct the public's business with consistency and excellence

In all our actions we...

  • are sincere and trustworthy
  • acknowledge and learn from our mistakes
  • demonstrate fairness in interactions with others

In all our actions we...

  • accept personal differences and value others' perspectives
  • communicate in a positive and courteous manner
  • first listen to understand, then seek to be understood

In all our actions we...

  • accept and demonstrate personal responsibility at all times
  • do what we say we are going to do
  • are prudent with the use of public funds and resources

In all our actions we...

  • remain approachable and objective
  • declare our intentions
  • address issues honestly and directly
  • right our wrongs in good faith

By incorporating all of these values — Service, Professionalism, Integrity, Respect, Individual Accountability and Trust — into our daily routines, we can better serve our customers, ourselves and our projects. We're always looking to improve. That's the Clackamas County SPIRIT.

Some wording inspired by Covey, Stephen M. R. (2006). The SPEED of Trust. New York, NY: Free Press.


2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.