Family Law Mediation

ONLINE ONLY VIA ZOOM until further notice. You will need a device with a camera and microphone — even a smartphone will do — to participate. The link will be provided to you after you register.

We provide mediation and legal clinic services to families seeking to resolve matters of divorce, custody and parenting.

To Sign Up for Family Law Mediation

  • Complete the intake form.
  • Notifications will come from Please add that address to your approved senders list or check your spam/junk filter before contacting Resolution Services about missing messages.
  • We do not tell people whether the other party has contacted us. You will both receive an email from about how to schedule after both parties have filled out the intake form.

Fee Information

Learn about our fees.

Optional Clinic Services

Resolution Services will prepare your court paperwork if:

  • You mediate with Resolution Services, and
  • Both parties are self-represented (meaning you have not retained an attorney), and
  • You reach full agreement on all of the issues in your case, and
  • Both parties agree to use this service

Court-Mandated Mediation

Mediation with Resolution Services is optional. There are several ways to satisfy the requirement for participation in appropriate dispute resolution under Clackamas County Supplementary Local Rule 8.017.

If choose to use Resolution Services for Court-Mandated Mediation, you need to complete and submit this form before your deadline. You do not need to have scheduled or held a mediation session by the deadline.

Frequently Asked Questions


Mediation is a method of resolving disputes and reaching agreements. The mediator acts as an impartial person who assists the parties in negotiating with one another, offers information and summarizes in writing any agreements reached by both parties.


Mediation is one method of resolving disputes. Some people choose mediation because they find it less expensive than litigation. Others wish to resolve issues in a more amicable, non-adversarial way. Current research shows that children's well-being after divorce is significantly impacted by the degree of conflict between the parents. Mediation can help the parties decrease the conflict between them and work cooperatively for the benefit of the children. Research also indicates that parents are more likely to adhere to agreements arrived at through mediation, rather than imposed by a third party — another reason why some people choose to create a parenting plan through mediation.


Our Family Law Mediation services assist parties to reach agreements regarding issues such as child custody, parenting time, child support, spousal support, finances and property division. These services are offered to married and unmarried partners, and to parties who are currently separating or divorcing, as well as to those who have post-divorce changes in circumstances. Some people come before they have filed anything in court; others come after they have filed. Still others come to mediate issues that have arisen since the original order. Most people come to mediation when they recognize that the use of an impartial person may be helpful in resolving the issues between them.


Yes. The confidentiality of our Family Law Mediation services is protected by state law. There are certain limitations to the protection of confidentiality. Staff will review the protections and limitations of confidentiality in the initial appointment, and answer any questions you may have.


In Clackamas county, parties to a family law action who have a dispute must attempt some kind of appropriate dispute resolution (ADR). Mediation is one way to satisfy this requirement.


Our highly experienced and professional Family Law Mediators have masters' level education in the law and/or a behavioral science, such as social work or psychology. They have advanced family law mediation training and have completed supervised mediation internships meeting the requirements of Court-Connected Family Law Mediators under the Chief Justice Order No. 05-028. In addition, the staff attends numerous continuing education trainings each year.


Our mediators do not make decisions for parties, do not perform child custody evaluations and do not make recommendations to the court.


We are committed to client safety. Mediation is helpful for many parties, but is not helpful or appropriate in all circumstances. We are required by law to assess for domestic violence in mediation cases. Staff conducts an initial and ongoing evaluations to determine the presence and degree of domestic violence between the parties, and to take steps to protect the safety of the participants accordingly — up to and including terminating the mediation. Clients are encouraged to share any concerns they have about their own or another person's safety with our staff. Parties with a no contact order arising out of a criminal case may not mediate.


Each party is scheduled for a 45-minute individual session. During the initial individual appointments, we will work with each person to determine whether mediation is appropriate in their case, and, if so, what additional arrangements are necessary for client safety during the mediation process.

Mediation is not required, but is permitted in these cases if the protected party requests mediation. The restrained party cannot initiate family law mediation. This is also true in the following cases:

  • You have a FAPA restraining order, stalking protective order, sexual abuse protection order, or Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities Abuse protective order
  • The protected person requests mediation
  • Mediation is structured to be in compliance with the protective order (e.g. shuttle)

Mediation meets the needs of most participants. A significant majority (about 75%) of clients who seek our services, and for whom there is an opportunity for agreement (meaning that both parties to the dispute come to mediation and agree to mediate), reach agreement on some or all of the issues between them. In addition, many parties report that through mediation, the level of conflict between them has decreased.


Mediation is not a substitute for legal advice or legal representation. We encourage all mediation clients to seek the advice of an attorney regarding their individual situation and needs. We also recognize that many parties in family law actions are "pro se", or represent themselves rather than being represented by counsel.


The rate for our services is $125 per hour. Mediation sessions are 90 minutes in duration; you pay for the scheduled time and any additional time you use. Each party must pay one half of the total cost, unless a different cost sharing agreement has been made by the parties. Therefore, the total cost for your 90 minute mediation session is $187.50 and each of you will owe $93.75.  Fees are payable through our online payment portal and due at the beginning of your session. 

If you have an open family law case/matter pending before the court and you want to mediate with Resolution Services, the cost of your first two sessions is covered by the court at no charge to you.

If the Court has granted a fee waiver in your case then your fees for mediation with us will also be waived.


The number of sessions that clients need varies, depending on the number and complexity of the issues the parties wish to resolve. The average family law mediation case takes under 4 sessions. Very complex cases can take 10 or more sessions, although this is rare.


If the appointment is a court-ordered domestic relations mediation, all persons other than mediation services personnel, the parties, their counsel and children of the parties shall be excluded from the appointment. If not court-mandated, any third party may participate if consented to by all parties.


We recognize the importance of being aware of the needs of the children when making plans for the future. We will talk with parents to evaluate their and their children's needs. If both parents agree that it would be beneficial for a child to meet with the mediator directly, such a meeting can be arranged. The mediator does not perform child custody evaluations. Our Family Law Mediators are certified in Child-Inclusive Mediation.


Yes. We provide mediation in Spanish and contracted interpreters for ALS and other languages upon request.

Please see Servicios en Espanol.


We offer high quality, affordable mediation services to families. Our mediation services are one option for resolving family law-related issues. Private mediators are also available, and can be located through the telephone book or the Oregon Mediation Association. Some parties reach agreements on their own without the use of professionals, other parties opt to work only through their attorneys. There are also some resources available for parties who wish to represent themselves. Please see our Links section for more information. Our staff will happily provide you information about the resources in our community to help you determine what the best option for you and your family. Any of these options will satisfy the ADR requirement:

  • Hire a private mediator
  • Arbitration
  • Judicial settlement conference (available only if both parties are represented by counsel) 
  • Neutral-assisted settlement conference

Once both parties have completed the intake form, we will email you instructions about how to choose a mediator and schedule your first mediation session. Those instructions will come from

If you have an aggressive spam filter, you may want to add that email as a contact. 


Generally, we recommend that you bring copies of any legal documents you have with you. If you wish to mediate a change in an existing order, please bring a copy of that order. If you wish to mediate financial or property issues, please bring supporting documents such as proof of income, auto and real estate values, etc. If you are mediating a parenting plan, you may wish to write down what you are currently doing and/or what your proposed plan is. You may find it helpful to review "How Do I Get Started?", a publication of the Oregon Judicial Department, prior to your appointment.

We are unable to provide childcare during mediation appointments. Please make alternate arrangements for your children.


Yes, we can prepare and file court paperwork (pleadings and forms) for you if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • You mediate with Resolution Services
  • Both parties are self-represented (meaning you have not retained an attorney)
  • You reach full agreement on all of the issues in your case
  • Both parties agree to use this service

The purpose of this service is to help you come to complete resolution through mediation without having to go to court.



2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
(Closed from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m.)