Manufactured and Marina Community Mediation

Clackamas County Resolution Services offers Manufactured, Marina & Floating Home Communities (MMCRC) conflict resolution services for both park owners and residents.

Topics include neighbor conflicts, barking dogs, park regulations, parking spaces, noise, communication with park owner and park residents.

To start the process for either mandatory ( or voluntary mediation fill out the below form and a mediator will contact you.

If you are unsure whether you want mandatory or voluntary mediation, please still fill out the form and the mediator will help you think through the choice. If you need support filling out the form you can call 503-655-8415.


If you choose to voluntarily mediate this means that you are requesting the other party to participate, and they have the right to decline. This can be a more informal approach that some people prefer. By initiating voluntary mediation, it does not negate a participants ability to request a mandatory mediation at a later date if their topic fits under the mandatory mediation law (

Voluntary mediation is a good opportunity to have a supported conversation for people engaged in conflict. Any agreements under voluntary mediation do not have an enforcing agent, however, the goal is to ensure a working agreement. Agreements signed by all parties are no longer confidential and can be used in other venues if necessary to show the planned outcome.

All communications are confidential, however, for MMCRC cases Resolution Services does provide a Mediator Report to the Manufactured and Marina Community Resource Center agency.


If a party chooses mandatory mediation the issue must be covered as one of the allowable topics under ors_90.767. Both tenants and park owners have the right to initiate mandatory mediation for any of these topics and must participate in mediation before any court action on either side. If the requested party declines, there may be a fine.

Once initiated parties have 30 days to participate in mediation. If there is an agreement parties are expected to follow the agreement. If there is no agreement or a party does not follow the agreement then court action is allowed.

All communications are confidential, however, for MMCRC cases Resolution Services does provide a Mediator Report to the Manufactured and Marina Community Resource Center agency.

For additional questions feel free to provide them with the law here:


Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
(Closed from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m.)