Characteristics and Roles of the 3 Groups and Proposed Organization Chart

Steering Committee ("Governing Board" mandated by HUD) - Decisions

  • Final decision maker for the CoC
  • Elected by CoC every 2 years
  • One homeless or formerly homeless member
  • Represents populations of the CoC
  • Backbone of the system
  • Planning functions involved in Consolidated Plan and 10 Year Plan (eventually)
  • Measure progress towards goals
  • Make decisions around bonus projects, prioritization
  • Analyze data on homelessness

CoC/Homeless Council - Operations

  • Programs, operations, and activities around addressing homelessness
  • Open membership
  • Meet for training and networking
  • Experts on the community and providing services
  • Members complete HUD applications for funding
  • Recommends bonus projects to Steering Committee
  • Expands system to address community needs
  • Implements HUD requirements
  • Helps identify unmet needs
  • Makes progress towards 10 Year Plan Goals
  • Strengthen programs/best practices/data driven/funding compliance

Homeless Policy Committee - Policy

  • Ambassadors
  • Membership by invitation of County BCC
  • Raise awareness of homelessness
  • Impact Policy
  • Advocates for funding
  • Coordinate community response
  • Expand system to address identified community needs outside of current/traditional providers
  • Review and comment on 10 Year Plan

Continuum of Care chart


2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Related News
Housing and Community Development, Community Development