OLD Treatment Courts

Treatment court participants must be willing to participate in a rigorous treatment and recovery program under close judicial supervision and monitoring. These courts make use of probation and/or parole officers, frequent drug testing, outpatient addiction and mental health treatment services, incentives for participation and immediate sanctions for failure to follow through with treatment and monitoring directives. Clackamas County Behavioral Health provides three types of treatment courts for adult offenders:

Treatment courts are voluntary. Individuals entering these court programs must be willing to follow the rules of the treatment court program. Each Treatment Court has different criteria for participation.  Clackamas County treatment court programs will not work with individuals charged with violent crimes like rape, murder or arson.

To find out if you qualify for one of these programs contact your attorney or, if you are already sentenced, your Probation or Parole Officer, and ask to be referred to one of the treatment court programs. As part of the referral process you will be required to attend and observe a treatment court session. If you are still interested in participation after observing the court proceedings, you will be screened for eligibility by one of our behavioral health team members.

If accepted in to the program, a treatment plan will be developed. The Judge will require regular attendance at treatment court sessions in addition to the counseling services and Community Corrections requirements.

Mental Health Court

Each individual enrolled in this program will be under the supervision of Clackamas County Community Corrections. A diagnosis of a major mental illness is required (e.g., schizophrenia). Referrals may come from treatment providers, Community Corrections, attorneys, Jail Mental Health staff and the DA's office.

Adult Drug Court

Each individual enrolled in this program will be under the supervision of Clackamas County Community Corrections. A diagnosis of dependence on one or more substances is required for this program. This program accepts individuals who have not been successful in traditional outpatient programs. Referrals may come from treatment providers, Community Corrections, attorneys, Jail Mental Health staff and the DA's office.

DUII Drug Court

Each individual enrolled in this program will be under the supervision of Clackamas County Community Corrections or the court. A diagnosis of dependence on one or more substances is required for this program. This program accepts individuals who have multiples DUIIs, and who have not been successful in traditional outpatient programs. Referrals may come from treatment providers, Community Corrections, attorneys, Jail Mental Health staff and the DA's office.

For further information regarding these programs: please contact Jennifer Rees, Program Supervisor at 503-722-6502.


2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Primary care and dental phone: 503-655-8471
Mental and behavioral health: 503-655-8401



999 Library Ct (also known as 1011 Courthouse Rd), Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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