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Room 409
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Here is the Issues list for Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023 starting at 10 a.m. and continuing at 1:30 pm, if needed.
For these updates, the following governing bodies will be convened:
- North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District
- Water Environment Services
- Board of County Commissioners
North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District
Requests for Consent Agenda
- Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Metro for the use of Local Share Bond funding for improvements to the Concord Property community park and playground. Agreement value is $1.2MM. Funding is through Metro. No County General Funds are involved.
Water Environment Services
Requests for Consent Agenda
- Approval of a Contract with 2KG Contractors Inc. for pump station rehabilitation and upgrades to the Gladstone Pump Station. Total value is $2,403,790 for 2 years. Funding is through Water Environment Services Sanitary Sewer Construction Fund. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Contract with Wasco County Landfill, Inc. for waste disposal. Total value is $1,200,000 for 3 Years. Funding is through Water Environment Services Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund. No County General Funds are involved.
Board of County Commissioners
- County Clerk Election Update (Clerk McMullen)
- Camp Creek Fire Update (Daniel Nibouar)
- Consent Agenda Review (Gary Schmidt)
- Tolling - Nexus Project List (Dan Johnson)
- County Counsel Search Firm RFQ (Evelyn Minor-Lawrence)
- Board September Town Hall Topic (Sue Hildick)
- BCC Business Meeting Agenda Review for September 7, 2023 (Gary Schmidt)
- Commissioner Communication/Liaison Updates (Chair Smith)
Requests for Consent Agenda
Transportation & Development
- Approval of a Contract with KNL Industries for the Mulino Airport Area Paving Package. Total value of the project is $842,065. Funding is through the Community Road Fund. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Contract with Joe Turner, P.C., Municipal Hearings Official for professional hearings officer services. Total value is $250,000 for five years. Funding is through budgeted County General Funds.
- Approval of Amendment #3 to a Contract with Kittelson & Associates, Inc. for the South Ivy Street Pedestrian Intersection Improvements Project. Total amendment value is $150,244.57 for a total contract value of 1,062,469.90. Funding through County Road Fund, State Funded Local Project Funds, and City of Canby. No County General Funds are involved.
Health, Housing, & Human Services
- Approval of Amendment #3 updating legal name and increasing funding to an Expense Agreement with Navis Clinical Laboratories, Inc. dba Regional Toxicology Services, LLC for clinical drug testing services. Amendment value is $150,000, agreement value is increased to $650,000 for 4.5 years. Funding is through Health Centers Fees for Services. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Federal Grant Agreement from the US Department of Housing & Urban Development for the Housing Our Families program. Agreement Value is $212,332 for one year. Funding is through the US Department of Housing & Urban Development, with a 25% match requirement paid with $50,081 from the State of Oregon. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Federal Grant Agreement from the US Department of Housing & Urban Development for the Housing Our Heroes Program. Agreement Value is $417,021 for one year. Funding is through the US Department of Housing & Urban Development with a required 25% match paid with $105,255 Budgeted County General Funds.
- Approval of Federal Grant Agreement from the US Department of Housing & Urban Development for the Hope I Leasing Program. Agreement Value is $304,609 for one year. Funding is through the US Department of Housing & Urban Development with a required 25% match of $76,152 paid from the State of Oregon. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Federal grant agreement with the US Department of Housing & Urban Development to administer the Homeless Management Information System. Agreement value is $70,862 for one year. Funding is through the US Department of Housing & Urban Development, with a 25% match through Supportive Housing Services Measure funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Federal grant agreement with the US Department of Housing & Urban Development for Continuum of Care Planning Activities. Grant value is $119,935 for one year. Funding is through the US Department of Housing & Urban Development, with a 25% match through Supportive Housing Services Measure funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a personal services contract with Advanced Technology Communications, LLC for capacity building and organizational development services to organizations contracted with County homeless service providers. Contract value is $1MM for 4 years. Funding is through Supportive Housing Services Measure funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a personal services contract with Inhance, LLC for capacity building and organizational development services to organizations contracted with County homeless service providers. Contract value is $1MM for 4 years. Funding is through Supportive Housing Services Measure funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a personal services contract with Social Finance, Inc. for capacity building and organizational development services to organizations contracted with County homeless service providers. Contract value is $1MM for four years. Funding is through Supportive Housing Services Measure funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a personal services contract with Insight for Action, LLC, for capacity building and organizational development services to organizations contracted with County homeless service providers. Contract value is $1MM for four years. Funding is through Supportive Housing Services Measure funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Amendment #3 expanding the scope of work, extending the term, and increasing funding to a personal services contract with Northwest Housing Alternatives, Inc. for emergency shelter services. Amendment value is $1,935,044 for 1 year, contract value is increased to $2,495,044 for 2 years. Funding is through Supportive Housing Services Measure funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Multnomah County for the Homeless Management Information System tri-county implementation. Agreement value is $200,000 for 5 years. Funding is through Supportive Housing Services Measure Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Amendment #2 updating the scope of work, extending the term, and increasing the value of a personal services contract with the Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization for supportive housing services. Amendment value is $555,367.46 for one year, contract value is increased to $1,282,508.45 for two years. Funding is through the Supportive Housing Services Measure funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Amendment #4 to an Intergovernmental Agreement with Oregon Health Authority to continue drug and alcohol prevention education and programming in Clackamas County. Amendment value is $358,750 for 2 years, agreement increased to $1,906,986 over 8 years. Funding is through Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Revenue Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Department of Human Services for Ticket to Work Program Revenue. Agreement value is $60,000 for 2 years. Funding is through the Oregon Department of Human Services. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Revenue Intergovernmental Agreement with the Gladstone School District for an embedded Mental Health Specialist at Gladstone High School. Agreement value is $76,500.00 for 9 months. Funding is through Gladstone School District. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Subrecipient Agreement with Friends of the Estacada Community Center, Incorporated for services to older adults. Agreement value is $161,308 for 1 year. Funding is through the federal Older Americans Act, and state transportation funds for older and disabled residents. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Subrecipient Agreement with Friends of Canby Adult Center, Incorporated for services to older adults. Agreement value is $322,003 for one year. Funding is through the federal Older Americans Act and state transportation funds for older and disabled residents. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Subrecipient Agreement with Foothills Community Church for services provided to older adults at Molalla Adult Community Center. Agreement value is $182,730 for 1 year. Funding is through the federal Older Americans Act and state transportation funds for older and disabled residents. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Subrecipient Agreement with Senior Citizens Council of Clackamas County Inc. for services to older adults. Agreement value is $171,000 for 1 year. Funding is through the federal Older Americans Act and $99,965 of Budgeted County General Funds.
- Approval of Amendment #2 increasing funding and duration of Revenue Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Department of Human Services for Medicaid outreach services for older adults. Amendment value is $19,500 for 1 year, Agreement value is increased to $81,000 for 4 years. Funding is through the Federal Administration of Community Living. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of personal services contract with 211 INFO for assisting with Clackamas County’s Coordinated Housing Access hotline. Contract value is $662,975 for 10 months. Funding is through Supportive Housing Services funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Amendment #1 expanding the scope of work and increasing the value of a personal services contract with Clackamas Women’s Services for homeless services. Amendment value is $4,180,204 for one year. Agreement value is increased to $7,542,163 for two years. Funding of $1,323,955 is through Supportive Housing Services Funds, $2,770,000 in Oregon Homelessness Emergency Order Funds, and $86,249 in budgeted County General Funds.