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Room 409
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For these updates, the following governing bodies will be convened:
- Board of County Commissioners
- Housing Authority of Clackamas County
- North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District
Housing Authority of Clackamas County
Requests for Consent Agenda
- Approval of a Resolution to Appoint Resident Commissioner Ann Leenstra to a new 4-year term. No fiscal impact. No County General Funds are involved.
North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District
- Advisory Boards and Commissions (Tony Mayernik)
Requests for Consent Agenda
- Approval of a Quitclaim Deed with the Highland Summit Owner’s Association to convey interest in property. No Fiscal Impact. No County General Funds are involved.
Board of County Commissioners
- Consent Agenda Review (Gary Schmidt)
- Legislative Update (Tonia Holowetzki and Trent Wilson)
- Board Business Meeting Agenda Review for February 29, 2024 (Gary Schmidt)
- Commissioner Communication/Liaison Updates (Chair Smith)
Requests for Consent Agenda
Transportation & Development
- Approval of a Resolution Declaring the Public Necessity and purpose for Acquisition of Right of Way and Easements and Authorizing Good Faith Negotiations and Condemnation Actions for the Henry Creek (Arlie Mitchell Road) Culvert Replacement Project. Total Project Value is $1,018,460. Project funding is through the City of Portland, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, and $99,756 in County Road Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
Health, Housing, & Human Services
- Approval of a revenue Pharmacy Services Agreement with Albertsons Companies, Inc. for Disbursement of 340B Drug Discount Program Drugs. Estimated value is $180,000 per year until mutually terminated. Funding is through Albertsons Companies, Inc. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Revenue Intergovernmental Agreement with Oregon Health Authority for Health Centers DUII Services. Agreement value is $7,616.27 for 18 months. Funding is through Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Revenue Agreement with CareOregon for Dental Program Payment Incentives. Anticipated agreement value is $300,000 for 1 year. Funding is through CareOregon. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval to Apply for a Continuation Grant for AmeriCorps Senior Companion Program Funds. The anticipated value is $139,025 for 1 year. Funding is through the AmeriCorps Senior Companion Program, with $13,902 in matching funds from Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Amendment #1 extending the duration and changing language of a Revenue Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Health Authority for the Environmental Health Services Program. Amendment value is $7,198,575 over 6 years, agreement value is increased to $9,598,100 over 8 years. Funding is through licensing fees. No County General Funds are involved.