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Room 409
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For these updates, the following governing bodies will be convened:
- Housing Authority of Clackamas County
- Water Environment Services
- North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District
- Board of County Commissioners
Housing Authority
Requests for Consent Agenda
- Adoption of Resolution 1982 for the approval of the Housing Authority FY 2024-25 Annual Plan and Moving to Work Supplement required for grant funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Grant value is approximately $30M. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Resolution 1981 Authorizing Designated Officer Authority to Finalize and Execute Development Agreements for Hillside Park Buildings A, B, and C. Project estimated cost of $147,700,000. Funding is from Local, State, and Federal sources. No County General Funds are involved.
Water Environment Services
- Letter of Support on US Senate Bill 1430, Water Systems PFAS Liability Protection Act (Tonia Holowetzki and Greg Geist)
North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District
- Advisory Boards and Commissions (Tony Mayernik)
Board of County Commissioners
- Consent Agenda Review (Gary Schmidt)
- Metro Supportive Housing Services Executive Committee Representatives (Rod Cook)
- Advisory Boards and Commissions (Tony Mayernik)
- Board Business Meeting Agenda Review for April 4, 2024 (Gary Schmidt)
- Commissioner Communication/Liaison Updates (Chair Smith)
Requests for Consent Agenda
- Approval of a Supplemental (Under 10%) Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. Net increase in appropriations of $9,865,861. Funding is through Beginning Fund Balance Increases, Other Revenue Sources, Federal Grants, Charges for Services, and Other Interfund Transfers. No County General Funds are involved.
Technology Services
- Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Sandy for hosting of the Clackamas Broadband eXchange Server for the American Rescue Plan Act broadband expansion. Total value is $5,400 for 2 years. Funding is through the Clackamas Broadband eXchange ARPA Broadband Expansion fund. No County General Funds are involved.
Transportation & Development
- Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Oak Lodge Water Services relating to the Boardman Ave/Arista Flood Attenuation Options Study. Agreement value is $100,000 for 21 months. Funding is through Oak Lodge Water Services and County Road Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract with P&C Construction for construction renovations of Concord Community Center. Amendment value is $6,160,262. Funding through Hood View Disposition Proceeds, $609,716 of NCPRD System Development Charge Funds and $5,550,546 of budgeted NCPRD General Funds. No County General funds are involved.
Health, Housing, & Human Services
- Approval of Amendment #1 to a Revenue Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Oregon for the Operation of Community Developmental Disability Program Services. Amendment value is $293,450.50. Agreement value increased to $29,688,449.50 for 2 years. Funding is through Federal Medicaid Funds and State General Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Amendment #1 updating language and adjusting match requirement of a revenue Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation for Capital Funding for Mt Hood Express Services. Agreement value remains $366,592 for 4 years. Funding is through the Federal Transit Administration, Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds, and private match. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval to apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Training and Employment Program grant to increase Employment Services in Clackamas County. Anticipated value is $163,000 for 1 year. Funding is through Oregon Department of Human Services, with match funded through Metro Supportive Housing Services Measure Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Revenue County Services Agreement with Health Share of Oregon for reimbursement of community-based public health services to Medicaid members. Agreement value is $799,216.00 for 1 year. Funding is through Health Share of Oregon. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Amendment #1 extending the duration of an Intergovernmental Grant Agreement with the Oregon Health Authority for Behavioral Health Workforce Incentive Funds. Amendment extends agreement by 12 months, agreement value is now $381,250 over 26 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval to Apply for a Grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for Treatment Court Programs. Anticipated grant award is $2,000,000 over 5 Years. Funding is through the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval to apply for a grant from Oregon Health Authority for Healthy Homes Grant Program. Anticipated award is $250,000 over 3 years. Funding is through Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.