Attend virtually
Register for this town hall
Webinar ID: 867 8496 0035
Phone: 346-248-7799
Clackamas County was ravaged by major wildfires just three years ago, and smaller fires have emerged since that time. As the heart of fire season approaches, where do we stand now? What’s changed in the last three years as a region, how has the county better prepared itself, and what can residents do?
Guests include the full Board of County Commissioners, and Disaster Management Interim Director Daniel Nibouar. A local fire official will also be invited.
During the event, questions and comments from residents are encouraged. As the event will be recorded and available later online, residents are strongly encouraged to send questions/comments ahead of time over email to clackconews@clackamas.us, with the subject line "Wildfire Town Hall." Questions may be shortened for time.