LEDIC is a volunteer advisory council that was created on May 15, 2003; members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The main purpose of the council is to act as a liaison to the County on matters relating to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
The council strives to examine county processes in order to recommend and facilitate changes that foster equity of services and greater inclusiveness, develop leadership from diverse communities and increase community participation in county government. Council members are meant to be representative of the county’s diverse populations and ideally will represent different, ethnicities, religious beliefs, geographic locations, socioeconomic statuses, physical abilities, career experiences, educational backgrounds and/or other diversity.
Meetings are open to the public and held on the fourth Tuesday of the month, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
The meeting will take place at the Public Services Building Room 369B, 2051 Kaen Road in Oregon City. map
To request a reasonable accommodation please contact mariamag@clackamas.us at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
NOTE: There are no council meetings in June, July, August or December.
Current Members
- Ernest (Tory) Blackwell, Chair
- Dina Stults, Vice Chair
- Joselito Tanega
- Emily Cooper
- Lori Bender
- Michael (Mike) Foley
- Annamika Konkola
- Gabrielle Blaug
- Vanessa Huckaby
- Rod Cook (advisor)
- Maria Magallon (advisor/staff)
Seeking Volunteers
Members: 19
Term: 3 years
Time committment: 2-3 hours for the monthly meeting
Contact Maria Magallon for more information.