Planning Commission

The Planning Commission consists of nine members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to advise the BCC on land use applications and issues. The Planning Commission provides recommendations to the BCC in accordance with the requirements of State law, the Clackamas County Comprehensive Plan, Zoning & Development Ordinance, and Clackamas County Code. Planning Commission hearings are held as needed on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to participate in a Planning Commission meeting via the Zoom online platform, please click on the green “Planning Commission” link under the date of the meeting below. Recorded videos can also be seen on @ClackamasCounty on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. For more information, contact Darcy Renhard at 503-742-4545.

Public Testimony

No preregistration is needed to testify. If you would like to speak during a Planning Commission meeting, there will be directions on when and how you are able to do so once the meeting begins. It will require you to use the “raise hand” feature in Zoom (or *9 if attending by phone). Members of the public are usually given up to three minutes to speak.

Planning Commission Members

Gerald Murphy, Vice-ChairRhododendron
Carrie PakLake Oswego
Ryan FoundsDamascus
Brian LeeOregon City
Louise LopesMulino
Thomas Peterson, ChairClackamas
Jennifer SatterMolalla
Tammy StevensBeavercreek
Michael WilsonMilwaukie
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