Historic Review Board

The Historic Review Board advises the County on preservation of historic landmarks, districts and corridors in unincorporated areas. The HRB reviews applications for alterations, new construction, moving, demolition, conditional uses and land divisions on properties with a historic designation. It also considers applications to add or remove a historic designation. The HRB forwards its recommendations to the Planning Director or the Board of County Commissioners for consideration as part of the decision-making process.

The HRB makes its recommendations based on the County's historic preservation ordinance.

The Historic Review Board typically meets at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month when necessary. The meetings are held virtually using the Zoom platform. For more information, contact Darcy Renhard in Planning and Zoning at drenhard@clackamas.us or 503-742-4545.

Name of View

Thursday, October 10, 2024

7:00 pm
Z0306-24 –New Construction of a single family home on a 2 acre property authorized for a home through a Measure 49 Claim. The property has a historic landmark overlay zone.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

7:00 pm
Z0322-24 –New Construction of a single family home to replace a non-contributing 1955 home on the property that contains a historic Lone Elder Flax Plant Wretting Tank and has a historic landmark overlay zone.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

4:08 pm
Z0263-24: New Construction of a single family home authorized by a Measure 49 Claim on the Ralph H, Sawtell Farm historic landmark

Thursday, February 8, 2024

7:00 pm
Z0492-23-HL: The applicant is requesting to add a 20x24 covered patio to property that was designated as a historic landmark for the William Stuwe Farm Complex. No change is proposed to any of the historic structures located on the property.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

7:00 pm
Z0343-23-HR - The applicant is proposing to replace the steps and front door of the historic landmark. In addition to adding landscaping, the applicant is also proposing to install a shade structure in the play area.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

7:00 pm
Z0075-23: Consideration of the change in roof materials on the Benjamin Weddle Historic Farmhouse
Z0575-22: Consideration of the removal, or demolition, of a historic landmark home located on the Strowbridge-Benson Farm.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Responsibilities and Membership

The Historic Review Board, made up of seven people appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, is responsible for performing the following duties:

  • review and make recommendations on all proposals to alter the exterior of a Historic Landmark
  • review and make recommendations on all proposed new construction on property on which a Historic Landmark is located
  • review and make recommendations on all applications referred by the Board of County Commissioners, Hearings Officer, Planning Commission or Design Review Committee
  • review and make recommendations on all applications for zoning of a Historic Landmark
  • review and make recommendations on all Historic Landmark conditional uses
  • disseminate information to educate the public as to state and federal laws protecting antiquities and historic places

The members of the Historic Review Board are to be people who have demonstrated an interest in historic preservation and have experience and/or special expertise or knowledge in the field of historic preservation. Three positions are designated as architect, with knowledge in historic restoration; contractor, with expertise in construction techniques applied to historic structures, and representative from a historic group in the County.


Most local libraries, planning departments and museums have copies of the Cultural Resources Inventory for their area. Many local museums have extensive collections of local photos, archival records and preservation resources available. The National Trust for Historic Preservation, State Historic Preservation Office, Architectural Heritage Center (in Portland), Historic Preservation League of Oregon (HPLO), Oregon Preservation Alliance and Old Home Forum (in Oregon City) are all educational and support organizations for old-house owners. SHPO and HPLO also have lists of craftsmen who specialize in historic construction.

In addition to the resources already listed, several other sources of information are available for owners of historic homes. Searching the Internet using key words such as historic homes, preservation, building technology, real estate, architecture, restoration, renovation and Victorian will help you locate appropriate information.

Inventories and landmarks

Board members

  • Michael Schmeer, Chair
  • Rick Cook
  • Paul Edgar
  • Pam Krecklow
  • Cherie McGinnis-Kennemer
  • Megan Oldenstadt
  • Howard Post
Staff Contact
Department Staff
Darcy Renhard
Administrative Specialist