Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning

Community planning for a vibrant, healthy, prosperous future

Clackamas County, working with the Oregon Department of Transportation, Metro and Happy Valley, is asking the community to envision a Sunrise Corridor Community where people can thrive. The future of the Sunrise Corridor Community depends on planning for the needs of the entire area — residents, businesses, travelers, wildlife and the environment.

Through this project, the Sunrise Corridor Community is working with the county and others to develop a shared vision and recommend actions for land use, housing, community and environmental health, transportation and other infrastructure investments necessary to support a thriving future for residents, businesses and travelers.

Join us! 
Open House 
Tuesday, September 24 
5:30-7:30 p.m. 
Adrienne C. Nelson High School Commons 
14897 SE Parklane Dr., Happy Valley 

Last spring, over 300 people shared the challenges and opportunities they see in the Sunrise Corridor Community. Using those suggestions, we’ve pulled together a list of possible strategies to improve the future of transportation and mobility, land use, economic development, public health, and open spaces. Let us know what strategies fit with your vision for the future! 

Can’t attend in person? Join us online between September 16 and October 6 to learn about possible actions and share your ideas. Sign up for email updates to be notified when the survey opens.  



Map and description of the visioning area

Quick Facts


The Sunrise Corridor Community is a five-square mile area in the valley between the Clackamas River on the south, forested low hills to the north, I-205 to the west and 172nd Avenue to the east.


The project area is home to 7,600 residents and 700 businesses with more than 14,000 employees.


It is one of the busiest freight distribution centers in the region and state, and is bisected by Oregon Highway 212.

Ways to get involved

  1. Join our e-newsletter mailing list so you can stay up-to-date about meetings and events. See below.
  2. Come to a meeting or presentation. A full list is below.
  3. Reach out to our staff to talk about your interest and let us know how you would like to participate.

Email updates

Join us to create a vision for the future of the residents, businesses and stakeholders in the Sunrise Corridor Community!

Get project updates and news about opportunities to be part of the Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning Project.


Meetings and events

Sept. 24, 2024Open House
Tuesday, Sept. 24
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Adrienne C. Nelson High School Commons 
14897 SE Parklane Dr., Happy Valley
Sept. 16-Oct. 6, 2024Online opportunity to share input 
Sept. 4, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #4
June 5, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #3
April 10, 2024Open House
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Adrienne C. Nelson High School Commons 
14897 SE Parklane Dr., Happy Valley

Project display boards
March 20, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #2
Jan. 31, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #1
Oct. 5, 2023C4 meeting 
Sept. 14, 2021Board of County Commissioners Policy Session     
Performance Clackamas Update - Sunrise     
packet video

Technical Information and Reports


Project Documents - Approved
Sunrise Corridor Community VisioningFinal Community Goals and Objectives, June 2024
Existing conditions 
Background information and data about the project area is gathered and evaluated to provide information to the Project Team and Steering Committee. Much of that information is presented in technical memos on various "existing conditions" topics.  These technical memos are posted below.
Community and business technical memo
Economic technical memo
Historical context technical memo
Land use technical memo
Plans reviewtechnical memo
Public healthtechnical memo
Transportationtechnical memo
Engagement reports 
The Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning process is engaging residents, businesses, and travelers to share what they need for this community to thrive. A summary of engagement to date can be found below.
Phase 1 Engagement Summary – June 2024summary report
Outside Resources
Sunrise Project: I-205 to Rock Creek JunctionFinal Environmental Impact Statement Executive Summary, December 2010
Department Staff
Jamie Stasny
Regional Transportation & Land Use Policy Manager

Related Documents

Sunrise Corridor Visioning Timeline


The Sunrise area has been the focus of many efforts over the years to plan and construct an expanded roadway, often referred to as the "Sunrise Corridor". Planning for infrastructure improvements in the Sunrise Corridor began in the 1980s and has continued on and off ever since. There have also been a number of other studies in the past decades that covered all or a portion of the Sunrise Corridor Community Area.

With this study, we are using a community health and equity framework to improve and build upon past studies. This project is working with Sunrise Corridor communities, businesses and stakeholders to identify a vision that helps the community thrive.

Major milestones

2020The Clackamas to Columbia Corridor Plan (C2C), which included studying the area around 172nd and Rock Creek Junction in the Sunrise area, was completed.
2016Sunrise Phase 1 improvements completed to reduce congestion and improve access for freight to reach I-205 through the Clackamas Industrial Area. The 2.5-mile highway connects I-205 and highways 212 and 224 between I-205 and 122nd Ave.
2010Sunrise Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) outlined a preferred alternative to address congestion and safety
1998ODOT completed the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the first part of the Sunrise project, but halts work because of a lack of construction funds
1996Clackamas County Board of Commissioners approved a preferred alternative – central alignment within the Lawnfield/Mather Road area and southern alignment around Damascus.
1993Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) released Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), an important and required step in moving the project forward.
1988Sunrise Corridor first called out as a project of state importance by being added to the Oregon Department of Transportation's Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) list.