DUII Court

For some defendants, the traditional court model has not been as effective as one would hope, and the dangers drunk drivers pose to our community justify a different approach.

DUII Court focuses on defendants who have been convicted of a DUII previously, often more than once. They have typically faced traditional consequences already: jail, significant fines, and probation. DUII Court takes an alternative approach that assists participants by creating an environment that focuses on the root issues: addiction and accountability.

In DUII Court, a defendant is assigned a multi-disciplinary team, which includes the DUII Court judge, defense counsel, deputy district attorney, deputy sheriff, probation officer, treatment court coordinator, and local treatment providers. Each team member plays an essential role in the success of the program, including the defendants. Because the program is voluntary, individuals who enroll are motivated, determined, and want to succeed.

Participation does not result in dismissed charges, but it comes with benefits to both defendants and to the community. These include treatment (in-patient and out), reduction or waiver of expensive fines and fees, reduced jail sanctions, and access to programs that assist participants with finding employment, education, housing, and health care.

The goal of DUII Court is to help individuals overcome their addiction and assist them in finding the tools necessary to maintain their sobriety long after completing the program. This leads to participants who not only maintain their sobriety but assist others in their quest to do the same, while keeping the community safer in the long run.