Hearings Officer: Z0404-23 - Conditional Use - Feb. 29, 2024


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Webinar ID: 859 4737 1719
Phone: 253-215-8782

Applicant: Dolphin Solar, LLC

Property Owner: Keith Tillstrom

Proposal: Add photovoltaic solar power generation facility of 12 acres, on property split between EFU and TBR zoning districts; 6 acres of the solar facility would be on EFU lands and 6 acres on TBR lands.

Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance Criteria: Sections 202, 401, 406, 1203, 1307
These criteria may be viewed online

Site Address and/or Location: 20428 SE Curtis Rd., Damascus

Assessor’s Map: T2S, R3E, Section 16, Tax Lots 1600 and 1700, W.M.

Property Size: 79.5 acres

Zoning: Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) and Timber (TBR)