NOTICE: this appeal has been withdrawn and the original denial of the application is final.
Appellant/applicant: Ryan Johnston
Property Owner: Molly and Ryan Johnston
Proposal: An appeal of staff decision for a proposed home school co-op associated with the Stafford Farm School, serving 19+ children, in a pole building on the property.
Planning Director’s Initial Decision: Denied
Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Criteria: Section 202, 318, 822, and 1307.
These criteria may be viewed online
Site Address and/or Location: 29883 SW Old Well Rd. West Linn, OR 97068
Assessor’s Map: T3S, R1E, Section 16, Tax Lot 3300, W.M.
Property Size: Approximately 4.60 acres
Zoning: RRFF-5