Board to consider ordinance to allow urban renewal funds to be used for a fire training facility in an industrial area

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Join us on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023 at 10 a.m. at the Public Services Building, 2051 Kaen Road, Oregon City.

You are invited to attend a public hearing by the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners as they consider an ordinance to adopt a proposed Amendment to the Clackamas Industrial Area Urban Renewal Plan.

The amendment, if approved, would allow already collected funds to be used for improvements to the Clackamas Fire District training facility located within the Clackamas Industrial Area Urban Renewal District.

What is urban renewal?  
Urban renewal plans are developed specifically for each urban renewal area to increase jobs, improve economic vitality and improve opportunities and capabilities by removing influences that inhibit development or redevelopment.

Would this amendment affect tax rates?  
No, the proposed amendment does not impact property tax rates because taxes are not collected for this urban renewal area. The ordinance, if approved, is subject to referendum.

How much can be raised for urban renewal?  
The Clackamas Industrial Area Urban Renewal Plan can take in up to $44,819,300. The amendment would not change this funding amount.

Department Staff
David Queener
Development Agency