The application period for the 2024-25 RiverHealth Stewardship Program Grants is now open.
Grants of up to $30,000 are available to groups seeking to improve the health of watersheds within the surface water areas served by Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES).
Community groups, businesses, schools, nonprofits, student groups, faith organizations, neighborhood or business associations, and service groups are welcome to apply.
The application deadline is April 18, 2024.
The objective of the program is to improve watershed health by:
- Enhancing streamside vegetation by replacing invasive species with natives and/or increasing stream buffer width
- Reducing pollutants and volume of runoff from paved surfaces
- Using Low Impact Development Approaches (LIDA) to manage stormwater
- Educating those who work and live in the surface water districts served by WES on what they can do to improve water quality
- Providing opportunities for historically underserved and excluded communities to benefit from watershed health education and partner opportunities
Grant recipient accomplishments in 2022-23:
- Removed 44 acres of invasive plants.
- Planted 2,021 native trees, 13,724 shrubs, and 825 herbaceous plants
- Enhanced a total of 9,500 linear feet of streams over 56 acres
- Involved 667 volunteers with 2,041 hours of volunteer time
- Gave 30 different lessons, field trips, or other educational sessions
- Provided watershed health education to 398 students and 71 adults
- Conducted 12 public events
Learn more about the RiverHealth Stewardship Program Grants
Clackamas Water Environment Services produces clean water, protects water quality and recovers renewable resources. We do this by providing wastewater services, stormwater management, and environmental education. It’s our job to protect public health and support the vitality of our communities, natural environment, and economy.
Clean Water for all.