Tobacco Prevention and Education Program

We work to prevent and reduce tobacco use, promote tobacco-free communities, reduce the influence of tobacco product marketing and encourage tobacco users to quit. 

Learn more about tobacco use in Clackamas County.

Want to Quit Smoking or Vaping? There is Help.

In person

Over the phone

The Oregon Tobacco Quit Line helps you create a quit plan to get ready, take action and live tobacco-free. Quit Coaches, many of whom are former smokers, never pressure you to quit before you're ready. Nicotine replacement therapy, like gum and patches, are available at no cost to those that qualify.

  • English: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or text READY to 34191 
  • español: 1-855-DEJELO-YA (1-855-3353-5692) 
  • Native people: 1-800-784-8669 and press 7 or visit Smokefree Oregon's Native Quite Line
  • Teletype (TTY): 1-877-777-6534

In person

In person

In-person services are available at local hospitals, such as Providence and Kaiser Permanente. Call your provider for more details.

In-person support for individuals in recovery between 18-35 years are available through 4D Recovery’s Nix tha Nic program. Learn more about the program and enroll online.  

In person


Oregon Quit Line Referral Form – Refer yourself or a loved one to the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line using this form. After submitting the form, a member of the Quit Line team will follow up to offer quit support.

Become an Ex – A Mayo Clinic-developed resource featuring a customized quit plan and interactive tools.

NOT for Me – A self-paced quit program for young people developed by the American Lung Association.

In person

Via text

Don’t Lean on Nicotine – Free and confidential text-based support for young people ages 16-24. For help quitting, text GO VAPELESS to 88709.

Preventing and Reducing Youth Tobacco Use

Teens in Clackamas County and across Oregon overwhelmingly use flavored e-cigarettes over conventional cigarettes, thanks to the tobacco industry’s successful marketing of flavored products. Youth-appealing flavors such as cotton candy are added to e-cigarettes and other nicotine delivery devices to soften the harsh taste and entice new users. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has only authorized 23 e-cigarette products for sale in the US. None of these authorized e-cigarette products are flavored, yet flavored e-cigarettes are still widely available. In Clackamas County over 300 retailers sell unauthorized flavored e-cigarettes. Of these retailers, annual inspections found that 1 in 4 were fined for selling tobacco to an underage customer. 
To combat the tobacco industry’s tactics, the Clackamas County Tobacco Prevention and Education Program educates local decision makers on the harms of youth access to and use of flavored tobacco products. As of May 2024, the following councils and boards have expressed support for a statewide flavored tobacco ban:

  • Milwaukie City Council passed a resolution in support of a statewide flavor ban.
  • Happy Valley City Council passed a resolution in support of a statewide flavor ban. 
  • Lake Oswego City Council signed a letter in support of a statewide flavor ban. 
  • Lake Oswego School Board signed a letter in support of a statewide flavor ban.

National advocates have a long history of taking a stand to protect youth from tobacco products. In 1999, the US Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against major tobacco manufactures to hold them accountable for defrauding customers, including young people they avidly sought as “replacement smokers,” about the health dangers associated with tobacco products.

These manufacturers were found guilty. Now, more than 2,700 tobacco retailers in Oregon are required to post "corrective statements” informing customers of the dangers of smoking products. Read a list of these approved corrective statements.

Don’t see a corrective statement at a tobacco retailer—or see a blocked corrective statement? Submit a tip at or text 877-749-8477.

Reducing Exposure to Secondhand Smoke and Aerosoles from Vapes

It's estimated that, in one year in Clackamas County, $232.5 million dollars in productivity losses are attributable to deaths caused by tobacco-related disease. Employers in the county can protect their staff, customers, community and bottom line by complying with Oregon's Indoor Clean Air Act as well as taking further action.

Indoor Clean Air Act (ICAA)

The ICAA, also known as the Smokefree Workplace Law, is designed to protect nearly all Oregonians from secondhand smoke and aerosols from vapes. The law prohibits smoking and vaping indoors as well as within 10 feet of all entrances/exits, windows that open and air intake vents. 

Vaping includes e-cigarettes, vape pens, e-hookah and other devices used to deliver nicotine, cannabinoids and other substances in the form of a vapor or aerosol. Workplaces are responsible for complying with the ICAA.

Members of the public can file an ICAA complaint with the Oregon Healthy Authority.

Employers in need of ICAA decals may contact us at or print signs.

Common spaces in multiunit housing are considered to be workplaces and are covered by Oregon’s Indoor Clean Air Act. Landlords can also choose to adopt smoke-free property policies. Find resources for landlords and renters or homeowners dealing with drifting smoke in their homes.

Clackamas County Facilities Smoking Policy

Workplaces are encouraged to expand upon the ICAA to further protect employees and visitors from secondhand smoke and aerosols from vapes. For instance, Clackamas County has adopted a smoking policy that is stricter than what the ICAA requires.  All Clackamas County facilities are subject to the following policy:

Smoking is prohibited inside all County facilities. Smoking is restricted to designated smoking areas. Individuals may not smoke or carry any lighted smoking instrument within 25 feet of entrances, exits, windows or ventilation intakes at Clackamas County facilities. This applies to all employees, clients, contractors and visitors.

Establishing a Tobacco-free Property Policy

Creating a tobacco-free property policy is the best way to invest in the health of your employees and help improve your bottom line. There are multiple benefits to a tobacco-free property policy:

  • The CDC estimates nearly $185 billion in lost productivity from smoking-related illness and health conditions. With a tobacco-free policy, staff absenteeism will be lower due to a reduction in smoking-related illnesses.
  • Cleaning and maintenance costs will be reduced as cigarette butts and other litter from tobacco products will be eliminated.
  • Since fire risk will be reduced, you may be able to negotiate a lower insurance premium.
  • Job seekers are increasingly interested in working for employers that prioritize tobacco-free spaces.

Clackamas County employers with a tobacco-free property policy include Kaiser Permanente, City of Happy Valley and Providence. 

For more information and assistance in establishing a tobacco-free environment, contact Clackamas County's Tobacco Prevention and Education Program at  

Tobacco-free Parks and Outdoor Areas

When parks and outdoor public areas are tobacco-free, they're healthier spaces for everyone to enjoy. Estacada, Happy Valley, Lake Oswego, Oregon City, Sandy, West Linn and Wilsonville all have tobacco-free parks where visitors can breathe easy. The Clackamas County Fair and Event Center are also tobacco-free.

If you're interest in taking your park or outdoor public space tobacco-free, contact Clackamas County's Tobacco Prevention and Education Program at

Ready to Make a Difference in Your Community?

There are numerous ways to take action to protect your community from the harms of tobacco products:

  • Join the Public Health Advisory Council (PHAC)This group offers community members the opportunity to provide input on Clackamas County Public Health Division’s programs, strategies and goals.  Applications close on 5/15/24. 
  • Distribute educational resources at your school or organization – Contact our program at for posters, Quit Line cards and links to printable materials.
  • Learn about the movement to address the issue of flavored tobacco products in Oregon at the Flavors Hook Oregon Kids website.
  • Explore resources available at Smokefree Oregon.
  • Share your voice – Are you interested in promoting communities free of tobacco smoke and aerosols from vapes? Clackamas County’s Tobacco Prevention and Education Program wants to hear from you about how we can help. Contact us at to start the conversation today.
  • Connect with community-based organizations doing tobacco prevention - Tobacco prevention is a community effort, and many organizations working across the tri-county region are making an impact. Learn more about who our tobacco prevention program is working

Resources for Healthcare Providers

Under the Affordable Care Act, health care providers are now reimbursed for implementing system changes to reduce tobacco use, improve services and patient health, and reduce costs. Best practices call for screening and documenting patients’ tobacco use, advising patients who use tobacco to quit, and providing options for evidence-based treatments.

The resources below can help you establish a clinical workflow to systematically address tobacco use. Questions? Reach out to