Water Environment Services

Water Environment Services

Clackamas Water Environment Services now accepting grant proposals of up to $30,000 for watershed improvement

The application period for the 2024-25 RiverHealth Stewardship Program Grants is now open. Grants of up to $30,000 are available to groups seeking to improve the health of watersheds within the surface water areas served by Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES).

Amphibian Survey Training - Virtual

The Wetlands Conservancy is one of many partnered organizations tracking amphibian presence in the Pacific Northwest. Amphibians are highly sensitive indicator species whose ability to thrive depends on clean water and abundant food sources. If they’re there, chances are the water is clean enough for their survival and therefore others too, including humans.

The Wetlands Conservancy offers annual training and guided surveys so that teams of community scientists can gather this data.

Don’t flush prescription and over-the-counter medications

Cleaning out your medicine cabinet? Don’t flush old or unwanted medications down the toilet or drain.

Wastewater treatment plants and septic systems are not equipped to treat pharmaceuticals, and chemical compounds from these drugs can pass through treatment plants or septic systems to our rivers or groundwater, which can hurt aquatic wildlife. It can also end up in our drinking water.

Researchers have also detected the presence of antibiotics at low levels in rivers and streams. When bacteria encounter an antibiotic, they will mutate to survive. These changes can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria that will be more difficult to treat in the future.

In addition to the environmental impacts, prescription drugs in home cabinets are a significant cause of accidental poisoning. Properly disposing of your old and unwanted medications can help protect you and your family.

There are many locations throughout Clackamas County where you can safely dispose of your old or unwanted medications.

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Webinar: Wildlife and Water Friendly Garden Series - Friend or Foe? How to Identify Invasive Plants in Our Backyards

The Environmental Learning Center presents a free Workshop Series for anyone interested in home gardening for wildlife and water quality.

Friend or Foe? How to Identify Invasive Plants in Our Backyards
Presented by - Sam Leininger, Clackamas County SWCD
Learn how to identify some of the biggest plant threats in your backyard. Some invasive plants can rapidly overwhelm natives and negatively impact ecosystem health. Some of these villains are considered noxious weeds. We can help to eradicate them by recognizing them before they take over.

Webinar: Wildlife and Water Friendly Garden Series - What Tree Should I Plant?

The Environmental Learning Center presents a free Workshop Series for anyone interested in home gardening for wildlife and water quality.

What Tree Should I Plant?
Presented by - Drew Zwart, Ph.D, Research Scientist - Plant Pathology & Physiology, Bartlett Tree Experts
Plant a tree! What are the factors to consider in selection, placement, and care to promote a successful outcome and provide benefits to both overheated gardeners and wildlife alike? Which trees thrive in residential landscapes? We will explore a variety of trees in this presentation.