

ARPA Information for Nonprofits

To distribute certain ARPA funds into our community, Clackamas County is teaming up with local nonprofits and Community Based Organizations (CBOs). Organization officials can review relevant information below.

Update: Mercy Corps-specific applications for Capacity Building Recovery Assistance (7/11/23)

In April 2023, Clackamas County announced open applications to improve the capacity and resiliency of community based organizations (CBOs) coping with the negative economic impacts of COVID-19.  

There is now an eligibility requirement update for nonprofits/CBOs applying for ARPA funds through Mercy Corps:

  • Must have a physical location in Clackamas County
  • Must conduct at least 25% of its overall operations within Clackamas County
  • Must be registered with the Oregon Department of Justice as a non-profit within Clackamas County
  • Must be registered as a non-profit with the State of Oregon and be active by time of application submission
  • Must be registered with federal 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) status and established prior to January 1, 2022
  • Must be an organization with 150 or fewer employees. 
  • Must have an annual operating budget of less than $20 million
  • Have the ability to provide financial documentation and additional supporting documentation to demonstrate the negative economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Provide operational status of organization.
  • Authority to sign an attestation on behalf of the applying nonprofit. 

The following are examples of non-eligible organizations to apply through Mercy Corps:

  • Passive real estate holding companies and others holding passive investments
  • Nonprofit entities that do not have federal 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) status
  • Nonprofit entities that are delinquent on federal, state or local taxes that were due before April 1, 2020
  • Nonprofit entities not in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations
  • Nonprofit entities without at least 25% of overall operations in Clackamas County
  • Nonprofit entities without a physical location in Clackamas County
  • Nonprofit entities not registered to do business in Oregon (Secretary of State Business Registry verification)
  • For profit businesses
  • Organizations that have already been selected by Mercy Corps Northwest, Clackamas Workforce Partnership, or Clackamas Women’s Services to receive funds or capacity building technical assistance in this Clackamas County CBRA Program

Application Timeline & Information

Applications for the second round of Mercy Corps Northwest’s Clackamas County CBRA program are now open, and will close at 11:59 PM Pacific Time on July 31, 2023. Applicants must be able to provide evidence of negative financial impact due to COVID-19 in at least one of the five following categories:

  • Decreased unrestricted revenue (e.g., from donations and fees)
  • Financial insecurity
  • Increased costs (e.g., uncompensated increases in service need)
  • Capacity to weather hardship
  • Challenges covering payroll, rent or mortgage, and other operating costs

Cash assistance amounts will be equal to what applicants claim as negative financial impact due to COVID-19. Given the limited number of resources, Mercy Corps Northwest will only be able to fund one request per organization. Please view Mercy Corps’ website/contact for additional information on their specific process:

All questions can be directed to Jennifer Hardnett at Clackamas County.

Update: Capacity Building Recovery Assistance for Nonprofits/Community Based Organizations (4/10/23)

Clackamas County is pleased to announce that applications will be opening for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding allocated by the Board of County Commissioners to improve the capacity and resiliency of community based organizations (CBOs) who are still coping with the negative economic impacts of COVID-19. Three well-equipped nonprofits have been approved as subrecipients, which will all implement programs providing services to beneficiaries, and distributing funds, on the county’s behalf.

These limited dollars will begin to be distributed in the following two ways under ARPA’s guidance:

  • Provide assistance payments to the nonprofits/CBOs that have been negatively affected by the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • Provide capacity-building technical assistance for the nonprofits/CBOs’ resiliency.

To be an eligible applicant for these ARPA funds, below are the minimum requirements set:

  • Must be a nonprofit entity with a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) IRS designation
  • Must have proof of substantial operation within Clackamas County and a physical location within Clackamas County
  • Have 150 or fewer employees.
  • Operating budget of less than $20,000,000.
  • Be determined by the federal government to be negatively economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic (see U.S. Treasury’s SLFRF Final Rule)
  • Impact may also be determined by:
    • Presumptively Eligible: Nonprofits with primary operations located in a Qualified Census Tract (See Subrecipient website for additional information)
    • Presumptively Eligible: Nonprofits operated by Tribal governments or on Tribal lands
  • Have the ability to provide financial documentation and additional supporting documentation to demonstrate the negative economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Provide operational status of organization.
  • Authority to sign an attestation on behalf of the applying nonprofit.  

Eligible beneficiaries of this Capacity Building Recovery Assistance program will be determined by the individual subrecipient. Please view their websites/contact them for additional information on their specific process:

All questions can be directed to Jennifer Hardnett at Clackamas County.

Capacity Building Recovery Assistance

Clackamas County has selected three capable subrecipients to carry out distributing ARPA funds that have been allocated for capacity building recovery assistance. The subrecipients will move forward with additional outreach to nonprofits/Community Based Organizations (CBOs) throughout the county that may have been impacted by COVID-19.

These funds are in high demand and limited, which means the application process to determine eligibility will prioritize nonprofits with documentation demonstrating the greatest need. Nonprofits/CBOs will apply to the individual subrecipient in order to be determined as a qualified beneficiary for receipt of ARPA funds. In addition to funds being disbursed to qualified beneficiaries, subrecipients will offer technical assistance/capacity building in support of continuing resiliency for the COVID-19 impacted beneficiary organizations.

ClackCo’s Equity and Inclusion Office appreciates the work that the selected subrecipients have agreed to in order to serve nonprofits/CBOs. If your organization has questions or needs clarification before applications are posted, please email Jennifer Hardnett.

Previous Webinars

During 2022, #ClackCo hosted three webinars for community based organizations (CBOs) and nonprofits, in order to help facilitate the grant process for them to apply for ARPA funds. Thus far, a total of $6 million in nonprofit support has been approved by #ClackCo Commissioners. These webinars covered a general orientation of ARPA-funded grant opportunities and details about the next steps of the process. Webinars are available below.

Questions about these webinars and related inquires can be directed to ARPA Community-Based Organization Liaison Jennifer Hardnett at

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Закон об американском плане спасения

Округу Клакамас будет выделен $81.1 миллион от федерального правительства на предоставление помощи в связи с пандемией КОВИД-19. Эти денежные средства могут быть использованы для улучшения регулирования местного здравоохранения, поддержки сбалансированного экономического подъёма и инвестиций в инфраструктуру, включая воду, канализацию и широкополосную сеть.

Результаты Опроса

В мае округ Клакамас пригласил своих жителей принять участие в опросе, который помог бы оценить, каким образом местное население относится к использованию финансов на различные нужды. Результаты опроса – лишь один из многих ресурсов, которые могут использовать Уполномоченные Округа Кларк при принятии окончательного решения по поводу оптимального размещения капитала.

Округ Кларк разработал русскоязычную версию анкеты и собрал 9 отзывов. Общее количество участников было намного меньше, чем при англоязычном опросе (более 3,200), но результаты русскоязычного опроса также были доложены непосредственно Уполномоченным Округа, для того чтобы осведомить их о мнении важных для нас неоднородных групп.

Нажмите сюда для просмотра результатов опроса русскоязычного населения.

Ниже указаны некоторые ключевые аспекты англоязычного опроса:

  • В вопросе №4 был перечислен список инвестиций, которые округ рассматривает для поддержки экономического подъёма, предлагая участникам указать важность каждого варианта как «очень важного», «отчасти важного», «не слишком важного» и «сосем неважного» для местного населения.

    Отзывы перечислены ниже в порядке убывания важности на основании ответов «очень важно» и «отчасти важно»:
    Поддержка малого и среднего бизнеса округа с количеством работников до 20 человек 88.55%
    Поддержка ферм округа (как сельскохозяйственных, так и скотоводческих) 85.34%
    Поддержка ресторанов округа 84.59%
    Поддержка некоммерческих организаций, которые помогают нуждающимся 83.07%
    Расширение программ профессионального обучения 80.76%
    Рассмотрение вопросов об уходе за детьми 75.18%
    Поддержка бизнесов округа вне зависимости от вида, услуг или размера 74.98%
    Поддержка бизнесов округа, которыми владеют меньшинства 69.55%
    Развитие доступной высокоскоростной широкополосной сети для бизнесов и работодателей 60.86%
    Развитие программ, которые восстанавливают туризм на территории округа 54.92%
  • Участников также попросили указать, насколько они согласны с утверждениями, которые касаются решительности мер реагирования округа на три последние чрезвычайные ситуации. Отзывы, перечисленные ниже, основаны на ответах «согласен» и «отчасти согласен».
    Отклик округа Клакамас на лесные пожары довольно решителен 83.12%
    Отклик округа Клакамас на КОВИД-19 довольно решителен 71.16%
    Отклик округа Клакамас на гололёд довольно решителен 70.98%
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Ley del Plan de Rescate Americano

El condado de Clackamas recibirá $ 81,1 millones del gobierno federal para brindar asistencia a las víctimas de la pandemia de COVID-19. Este dinero puede destinarse a mejorar la respuesta del sistema de salud pública local, a fortalecer la recuperación económica equitativa y a invertir en infraestructura, agua, desagües y banda ancha.

Resultados de la encuesta

En mayo, el condado de Clackamas invitó a sus residentes a responder una encuesta para medir la manera en que las comunidades valoran los diferentes usos de los fondos. Los resultados de la encuesta representan solo uno de los múltiples recursos que los comisionados del condado de Clackamas pueden utilizar para tomar las decisiones finales sobre la mejor manera de invertir el dinero.

El condado de Clackamas creó una versión en español de esta encuesta y recibió 32 respuestas. El número total de respuestas recibidas para la versión en español fue mucho menos que la versión en inglés (más de 3200).Los resultados de la encuesta en español se informaron específicamente a los comisionados del condado para que estén  al tanto de las opiniones de todos nuestros diversos grupos.

Haga clic aquí para ver los resultados de la encuesta en español y en inglés.

Estos son algunos de los aspectos destacados de la versión en inglés de la encuesta:

  • La pregunta n.° 4 presentó a los encuestados “una lista de inversiones que el condado está evaluando relacionadas con la recuperación económica”, y se les pidió que calificaran a cada una de las opciones como “muy valiosa, valiosa, no demasiado valiosa, para nada valiosa” para nuestra comunidad.

    A continuación, se detallan las respuestas ordenadas de mayor a menor y con las respuestas “muy valiosa” y “valiosa” combinadas:
    Apoyar a empresas locales con menos de 20 empleados 88,55%
    Apoyar a granjas locales (agrícolas y ganaderas), 85,34%
    Apoyar a restaurantes locales 84,59%
    Apoyar a organizaciones sin fines de lucro locales que asisten a personas necesitadas 83,07%
    Ampliar programas de capacitación laboral 80,76%
    Abordar las brechas de la atención infantil 75,18%
    Apoyar a empresas locales independientemente del tipo, del servicio o del tamaño 74,98%
    Apoyar a empresas locales que son propiedad de integrantes de minorías 69,55%
    Mejorar el servicio de banda ancha de alta velocidad accesible para empresas y empleados 60,86%
    Mejorar programas de recuperación del turismo en toda la región 54,92%
  • También se les pidió a los encuestados que expresaran cuán de acuerdo están con respecto a la respuesta del condado frente a emergencias recientes, calificada como “contundente”. Las siguientes respuestas combinan “estoy de acuerdo con todo” y “estoy de acuerdo con algo”:
    La respuesta del condado de Clackamas frente a los incendios forestales fue contundente 83,12%
    La respuesta del condado de Clackamas frente a la COVID-19 fue contundente 71,16%
    La respuesta del condado de Clackamas frente a la tormenta de hielo fue contundente 70,98%
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American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

The federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provided relief funding to local governments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Criteria to spend these funds is outlined by the federal government.

Clackamas County received approximately $81.2 million, which must be dedicated by December 2024 and spent by December 2026. With these funds, Clackamas County is committed to supporting our community.

*The figures reflected below were last updated on March 21, 2024.

How the Funds Are Being Spent

How much has been committed?

100% of the $81,227,922 has been committed to county projects.

$81,227,922 committed

Where has the money been committed graph

What are the largest expenditures?

Largest infrastructure commitments

All Commitments

All commitments of ARPA funds allocated by the Board of County Commissioners can be found below, categorized by area of funding (as specified by the federal government). Note: Some figures may be slightly rounded. 


Survey Results

Prior to commissioners allocating the vast majority of the first round of APRA funding, in May 2021, Clackamas County invited residents to take an unscientific survey to gauge how the community values different uses of the funds. Our community responded! More than 3,600 people took the survey, which was the second-most survey responses in county history. The survey results were just one of many resources county commissioners rely on when making decisions about how best to invest funds.

You can view the full survey results and analysis. Please note that respondents who failed to indicate they live in Clackamas County were filtered out of these results.

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