Clackamas County Continuum of Care

The Continuum of Care (CoC) is a consortium of individuals and organizations with the common purpose of planning a housing and services continuum for people who are homeless. The CoC is not a formal advisory council to Clackamas County although it does operate with County support. The CoC was originated to meet the Federal HUD requirement for Continuum of Care McKinney-Vento funds to flow into Clackamas County for people who are homeless.

Want to receive announcements and updates? Join the Listserv!

Stay informed about the CoC by signing up for the listserv. Communications include time-sensitive and informative announcements about resources, events, trainings, advocacy opportunities, job opportunities within the local housing community, CoC Program funding updates, and more.

To join the listserv, please contact Raina Smith-Roller at

Housing Services Meeting

The fourth Wednesday of every month, the Continuum of Care meets via Zoom. This meeting is open to the public. For more information, including accessibility requests, contact Raina Smith-Roller at or 971-352-2684.


The CoC's mission is to facilitate the development of a continuum of care (housing + services) that provides opportunities to significantly mitigate homelessness in Clackamas County, via:

  • Full utilization of mainstream resources;
  • Coordination of service delivery and housing systems;
  • Systemic agreements and institutional targeting of populations at high risk of homelessness;
  • Creative cultivation of new resources;
  • Public awareness to foster a collective sense of responsibility.


The CoC's mission is based on these principles which permeate its implementation:

  • Equity of access to housing and services;
  • Choice and self-determination as consistently part of the process;
  • Treating people with dignity and respect, regardless of their housing status;
  • Culturally competent services;
  • Non-judgmental approach to people and their problems throughout the housing and service systems.


The CoC's activities are targeted to:

  • Annual re-applications for funding of homeless programs and services.
  • Identify and advocate for the needs of people who are homeless in Clackamas County;
  • Facilitate the development of a continuum of care including housing and services for people who are homeless in Clackamas County;
  • Develop short and long term plans to mitigate homelessness in Clackamas County.
  • Recommend funding priorities to HUD for new and renewal projects.

Find more information about our Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), which is used to collect and report data about services provided to those experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness in Clackamas County.

Clackamas County Coordinated Housing Access

Continuum of Care Application

The CoC submits an annual application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) articulating the CoC's planning efforts and other activities within Clackamas County which relate to homeless people.

The FY2024-2025 competition is now open. Agencies interested in applying for future CoC funding opportunities should contact Raina Smith-Roller at 971-352-2684 or

The deadline for project application submission is Monday, Sept. 9, 11:59 p.m. This includes ESNAPS application, survey responses, and score cards submitted to

Learn more

NOFO Priority Listing 20232022
Consolidated Application 20232022
Ranking and Selection Process 20232022
Local Priority Listing 20232022
Rating and Ranking Score Cards


Application Surveys


Scoring Rubric for Narrative Questions202420232022

Point-in-Time (PIT) Homeless Count

2023 Report to HUD
2022Local Short ReportReport to HUD
2021-Report to HUD
2019Local Short ReportReport to HUD
2017Local Short ReportReport to HUD
2015Local Short ReportReport to HUD
2013Local Short ReportReport to HUD

For prior year reports contact: Mark Sirois by phone 503-655-8591 or email at


2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Related News
Housing and Community Development, Community Development